Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

It's official 2010 has arrived. I would like to welcome the new year and all that it will bring.

I love thinking about the possibilities of a new year. It feels like a fresh start, full of hope and opportunity to make changes. But then a smart friend of mine posted this on Facebook and it got me thinking about her wise words.

"Every day is the start of a new year. There is no sense in waiting til midnight tonight to make positive changes when every day is an opportunity."

So why do I feel like January 1st is a fresh start. I guess it is because I look forward to the unknown. A full year of things that will happen unexpectedly in my life, the twist and turns that build who I am and make me stronger. I think 2010 will be a year of hope and miracles. I think no matter what comes our way, we will be where we need to be and doing what we are suppose to be doing.

2010 Bring it on!

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